In the attempt to hide the unfolding climate
and environmental cataclysm from the public
for as long as possible,
the Power Structure and the geoengineers
are actually fueling the fire overall
and effectively poisoning the entire Planet
with toxic heavy metals in the process.
Climate Engineering
is Fueling Biosphere Collapse
by Dane Wigington
GeoEngineering Watch Administrator and Researcher,
Exec. Producer of The Dimming,
Wildlife Guardian and Manager
Forests are silent, oceans are increasingly lifeless, so how can so many be completely oblivious to what is unfolding by the day?
The sixth mass extinction event on our planet is not far out on the horizon somewhere, it is here.
The power-structure-controlled
All over the Globe, ecosystems
So many have embraced the lie that technology will save us from ourselves, isn't such a notion the ultimate paradox? Modern industrialized technology is actually what has pushed us over the edge.
In one form or another, climate engineering (also