Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 95

Instead of prescribing a pharmaceutical preparation to clear out the symptoms, they offer a protocol that incorporates the principles that I listed above:

1. Listening to what the body is telling you.

2. Checking our verbiage - i.e., are we saying things that are affecting our condition?

3. Sourcing natural, easily available “tools” to help address the situation.

4.  Setting up a healing environment including calming music at proper frequency.

5.  Reducing stress – identifying what stressors can be lessened or even eliminated.

6.       Lifestyle changes – increasing physical activity; stopping harmful habits.

7.       Diet changes – many issues are caused by diet choices.

There is an active level of support through the Health Recovery Ministry, and they are looking for like-minded individuals to join them in providing education and support to the community. Their goal is to bring actionable content to the community that is relevant and practical.  

The conference that I participated in is the first of many to come, and they will occur in different geographical regions throughout the country. There is also an effort in place to help establish support in other areas of the country so that communities become radically resilient and sustainable.

The Health Recovery Ministry is clearly offering services that work and are a blessing to those who come to them for help. They have a goal to bring healing to a large number of people by providing local support, a very usable and up to date website, and regional conferences that help spread the wisdom and knowledge that is shared by all those involved.

I cannot recommend them highly enough. I consider it an honor to be associated with them and look forward to many more interactions with them in the years to come.