Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 93

by Steve Rees, Ret. RN, Harpist

Radical Resilience

A few weeks ago, I had the wonderful privilege of being part of a conference in Colorado Springs. It was titled “Radical Resilience Health Conference,”

www.RadicalResilience.Health and was designed to offer practical protocols for dealing with some of today’s health challenges. I was invited to give a talk about how music, which is played at the correct frequencies, is a great tool to be used in the healing process. Since I have spent much of the last several years recording harp music in specific frequencies,

I was able to offer many anecdotal experiences that demonstrated the effectiveness of the calming harp music. I was also able to play several harp pieces and give the audience a real experience of how the music could affect them positively. Judging from the reports I received from the attendees, I think I succeeded in that endeavor.

My assignment was to help set the “spiritual tone” of the conference. So much of our health is dependent on our attitudes, thoughts, and words. Dr. Masaru Emoto experimented with the effects of words on the molecular structure of water and discovered that the words we use, whether curses or blessings affected how water would freeze and what crystalline structures would form. Curses were disfigured and blessings were symmetric. These influences reflect the spiritual aspects of our health. Since our bodies are at least 75% water, these same effects can be expected to influence our homeostasis and health. He also demonstrated that the frequencies could “heal” water – cause it to restructure to its created design.

Our bodies also have an innate intelligence. And, if we train our minds to listen to what our bodies are telling us, we can begin to engage in a process of healing that is based on this intelligence. In one of my articles, I quoted from a study that indicated that our DNA is actually a communication system that communicates much in the same way that our verbal language syntax operates.     Our benefit can be gained from tapping into that communication.