Masters of Health Magazine December 2020 | Page 100

muscles seem to come apparent first; nearly a week prior to those not paying much attention to the body’s subtle aches and pains. Active muscle frequencies for this week include the latissimus dorsi, bicep femoris, upper thighs - vastus lateralis and intermedius, stabilizing knee muscles, the occipitofrontalis (migraine related), and the eye’s focus muscles.

Nutrients involved this week: Chromium, the use of vitamin B3 – niacin, lithium, calcium.

Pathogen activity: Shingles and liver pathogens. I have found that Campho Phenique relieves the pain of Shingles. Liver herbs may be helpful.

Lead Toxicity is active and may cause:

Requires a medical diagnosis

Symptoms include developmental delays, abdominal pain, neurologic changes, and irritability. At very high levels, it can be fatal.

Can have no symptoms, but people may experience:

Pain areas: in the abdomen or joints

Gastrointestinal: constipation, nausea, or vomiting

Developmental: learning disability or slow growth

Whole body: fatigue or loss of appetite

Behavioral: hyperactivity or irritability

Also common: baby colic, headache, insomnia, or memory loss ---- For those experiencing blood pressure issues, Renin is active this week: Renin converts angiotensinogen, which is produced in the liver, to the hormone angiotensin I. An enzyme known as ACE or angiotensin-converting enzyme, found in the lungs, metabolizes angiotensin I into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II causes blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to increase. B3 (see above) also helps support health blood pressure.

Histidine (immune related) comes into play on Friday. For those of you who experience weather changing sinus stress, some extra Vitamin C may be helpful.

An enzyme related to wheat digestion has been active for about the last 10 days. There are several excellent enzymes on the market to support grain/carbohydrate digestion. Consider amylase a priority. - The main function of amylases is to hydrolyze the glycosidic bonds in starch molecules, converting the complex carbohydrates to sugar.

December 13-19, 2020

Color = entering into Blue as we move into December. G# is the musical note associated with the frequencies active now; under the influence of Sagittarius, astrologically. Days of hope and renewal are upon us as we prepare for the new year.

God as a Mathematician

It is appropriate that between the two biggest holidays Lipotropin 1 – a hormone from the pituitary – comes into play. Lipotropin helps control appetite and is related to growth hormones as well as being the frequency of an obesity gene at the same time.

Sometimes I wonder which came first here – the holidays or the frequencies regulated the activities that come with holiday activities. Don’t know which came first – but from the research that we do here with frequencies and math – I’m convinced that God is/was a mathematician.