Masters of Health Magazine December 2019 | Page 119

2.Is your home interior and exterior environment in harmony with Nature? (e.g. cleanliness, air, lighting, sound/noise, building and furniture materials, design, Feng Shui, clutter, EMF exposure, etc.). If not, identify the problem areas and how to best correct them. There are many good online sites or books on this topic that can be obtained from your local library. Always work with Nature.

3.Is the food you are consuming in harmony with Nature? Is it fresh, organic, and as close to nature as possible? NOTE: Good health begins in the soil and biodynamic is the best form of organic agriculture. Read the small ingredients section of everything you consume. Buy and consume only organic foods/products from reputable markets, brands or sources, and ethical producers. Don’t hesitate to call producers and ask questions or for a copy of their independent testing. Ensure that the food you eat and feed to your children and the liquids you drink are free of contamination, harmful ingredients, toxic chemicals, GMOs, endocrine disruptors, refined sugar, damaged oils, addictive substances, and not from factory farms. AVOID most packaged and processed foods that contain sugar, additives, damaged oils, and toxic chemicals that play havoc with one’s hormones and immune system.

4. Is the water you bathe in, drink, and cook with in harmony with Nature? Only bathe in, drink, and cook with clean, pure (non-fluoridated), structured water. Water is vital for life and hydration of all your cells and organs. It is the medium that enables the cells to communicate with each other. Treating the masses with an industrial waste, under the guise of public health through our water supply, is not only highly unethical, it is harmful, very costly, and certainly not in harmony with Nature.

To learn more go to:,, and

Our drinking, cooking, bathing water needs to be clean, pure, structured, and free from all medical/dental treatments.

5.Are medical treatments en mass being mandated for you or your children without your consent or consideration for individual medical issues or biochemical individuality? Mandating injections (vaccines) containing toxic metals (e.g. mercury, aluminum) and viruses into babies and pregnant or nursing mothers and denying medical freedom to parents under the guise of public heath is highly unethical and medical tyranny at its worst. Isn’t this freedom what all those wars were fought for? All medical or dental treatments should be between a patient and their doctor. It is unacceptable in a free society for government bureaucrats who receive large amounts of money from industry (conflicts of interest), to take away a parents right to their child’s health care. This is a big election issues. Parent’s rights to medical freedom and control of their child’s/children’s health care must be restored and respected. Health decisions need to be removed from ‘bought’ government bureaucrats and payments to politicians from the pharmaceutical industry and other special interest groups need to be outlawed.

6.Is life and the environment (air, water, soil, food) where you live in harmony with Nature? Or, are you and your family being poisoned with cancer-causing chemicals (herbicides, pesticides)? HOAs and local Councils are some of the worst offenders. Identify the problems, who is responsible, and stay well informed as best you can on important issues. Link up with others, focus, and become environmentally active in your local community. Demand your local government or HOA stop the pollution and remind them that they will be held accountable for harm done. (e.g. Recent law suit against Bayer/Monsanto in CA, USA).

Also, notify business polluters that you will no longer buy their products until they stop polluting the air, water, soil, and/or food supply and clean up their act.