Masters of Health Magazine December 2018 | Page 67

Harp Meditations

Click play to listen to Track 1 –

Peaceful Repose


Let’s grow a “Calming Revolution!”

Our body cells are emitting photons all the time. When we are healthy we emit more photons than when we are not healthy. However, infected areas show even more photons because of the healing activity that is taking place. The level of photons can be used to determine the level of health of the tissue being observed. Below is a biophoton scan that shows these photons: image from

We are constantly being reminded of how important it is for us to be sufficiently hydrated with recommendations of how much water we need to consume on a daily basis. Looking at this information, it is easy to see why this could be so important. If well structured water brings energy into our cells, obviously, this energy is contributing to the health of our cells. Therefore, it makes sense that well structured water assists in helping to maintain optimal health at the cellular level.

But what excites me even more is the effect of frequencies on the human physiology and the possibilities of what these frequencies can do to the body as a whole. If we listen to music or sound waves that have these frequencies within it, the same effects that are seen in a glass of water with the biophoton scans could be expected to occur within the water and cells throughout the body on a much larger scale. Remember, we are 70-80% water.

The more emails I receive relaying the wonderful effects from my calming harp music, the more I am convinced that there is a therapeutic benefit to the listener derived from the sound frequencies that I record. The FDA won’t let me say that this can cure anything, or address any specific disease condition, but my experience and the multiple stories relayed to me tell me, convinces me that there is something here that we need to pay attention to.

While it is wonderful to have technology that actually visualizes these photons, I still ask basic questions such as, “What is it doing for you? How is it benefitting you?” Keep in mind that not everything beneficial can be proven scientifically or measured in a test tube. But, for those who need that, at least now there is more “proof” from the Biophotonic Light Imaging scanner to consider.

My CDs that utilize the 432 Hz and 528 Hz frequencies are:

Living Water

Festival of His Birth

Tabernacle Prayer CD and

Frequencies of Power DVD

(Both with the same music but DVD has beautiful nature photography)

Harp Meditations (Instrumental) and

Shalom Power Clips (Same music with Scripture readings accompanying)

Keys of David

Psalms of Aliyah