Masters of Health Magazine August 2024 | Page 14

Moving up the spine to the solar plexus is the third chakra, holding our personal power. The fourth chakra is our heart, a place where we can transform our earthly desires into good work for all.

We bring these messages of hope and love through our fifth chakra, settled in our throat area. We gain knowledge to share and settle it in our heads or brow, the sixth chakra.

The seventh chakra is our crown or top of head. Here is where we acquire knowledge through inspiration and insights. See how all this is connected?

Here is a Chakra Premiere:

Finding balance in Nature is a given. As humans we all need support and Nature is there to offer that if we just look and ask. Your Chakra System represents all aspects of our nature and we can focus through this lens on where we need help and insights.

Your support is within reach by studying your life, body, and the plants that support each body system.

This is what I love most about herbalism, you are very empowered and capable of studying your body, then matching your needs to plants that have always been there to help us feel better.

It feels so great to grow a herb, then use it to make your own medicine. You can connect with your ancestors who knew how to heal with plants from the Earth.

One spring I was weeding out the First Charka section of the garden. There, I had planted a Rugosa rose displaying the color red of the first chakra and representing the love in a family (with some prickles).

It was flourishing! That spring, an elder bush was emerging right next to it, but I could not bear to weed it out, loving the elder, for every part is useful.