Masters of Health Magazine August 2023 | Page 57

WHO Admission:

Aspartame Possibly” Carcinogenic


…Yet the FDA, responsible for protecting our health and making sure our food is safe, continues to go to bat for Big Food. 

Action Alert!

Would you be concerned if you and your children were consuming a possible carcinogen every day? One that Big Food and the FDA has said is a safe way of avoiding sugar?

Late last week, the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) labeled the artificial sweetener aspartame (marketed as NutraSweet and Equal) as “possibly carcinogenic” to humans. Predictably, Big Food has attacked the IARC’s findings, creating an entirely new industry-funded front group that continues to try to defend aspartame in the face of mounting evidence showing it’s dangerous. The FDA was also quick to dig in on aspartames safety despite years of evidence demonstrating the cancer link.