Masters of Health Magazine August 2023 | Page 12

The package includes the most in-depth cancer course to teach you how to be a better doctor for yourself or your loved one than your oncologist. Almost everyone knows (except oncologists) that cancer results from low oxygen levels (acid pH), forcing cells to abandon oxygen respiration in favor of fermentation, a filthy and inefficient form of energy production.

Recent Research on breast cancer gives us a clue where to begin. “One key feature of cancer cells, including breast cancer cells, is a reversed pH gradient which causes the extracellular pH of cancer cells to be more acidic than that of normal cells. A growing literature suggests alkaline therapy could reverse the pH gradient back to normal and treat cancer. Everyone (except oncologists) will understand that cancer cells favor acidic conditions over neutral ones, so starting your cancer treatments today is easy with any of the three bicarbonate forms.

Cancer is caused by various unfavorable factors besides hypoxia (low oxygen). One of the other leading causes is an impaired immune system, often in conjunction with elevated levels of environmental poisons and carcinogenic substances. Very little of this can be changed in three weeks though some significant inroads can be accomplished with intelligent treatments.

The concept of home intensive care and freedom to pursue safe and effective alternative treatments are gaining more traction because of unaffordable alternative clinic costs and mainstream oncologists are incredibly rigid closed-minded doctors who will not open their minds to alternatives even if backed by scientific Research. One of many examples: Researchers at Augusta University are finding new potential treatments for lung cancer in an ancient drug called CBD, the increasingly popular cannabis compound.

Oncologists Still Do Not Understand Cancer

Cancer rates are climbing among young people, and because oncologists still do not understand cancer, they do not know why. In America, modern oncology fails patients in alarming numbers as Americanslife expectancy plunges to disturbing lows.

And when one enrolls in cancer studies, one takes their life in their hands. For example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently paused enrollment in two studies of an ovarian cancer drug after five deaths in bleeding-related events. And, of course, if you choose chemotherapy, you have to face a severe shortage of chemo agents. It has never been a better time to turn to alternatives.

It is not just cancer that one can treat at home. The medical system based around hospital care is imploding, so home care is becoming a vital option for millions who cannot afford treatments but still need intensive care. Hospitals are dangerous and terrible places to be, so if one needs to treat neurological disorders, diabetes, or vascular heart disease, home treatments are the way to go.

Though It Might Sound Complicated, It Is Simple

At-home intensive care treatments focus on the essentials of life. On pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, hydrogen medicine, cannabinoids, lipid-selenium, carbon dioxide medicine, re-mineralization of the body, antioxidant therapy, anti-inflammation therapy, increasing oxygen transport, healing cells with concentrated nutrition via superfoods, breathing retraining, emotional transformation processing, detoxification and removal of heavy metals and radioactive particles as well as using chlorine dioxide for oxidative therapy.

The real point is that we do this by applying high doses of things the body often needs desperately. We flood the body with magnesium, several different forms of bicarbonates to immediately raise oxygen and CO2 levels, start on iodine and selenium, and some other basic things like sulfur, zinc, and copper. Dosages are critical.

It is possible to duplicate the intensity of ICU administration at home through intensive medical baths, transdermal application of medicines, nebulization, suppositories, and oral intake by loading up ones water with powerful substances. Hospitals today are discharging people faster than ever before, giving patients and their families the responsibility to continue treatments at home. So be prepared.

Combination therapy enables us to encompass and manage multiple risk factors. Multidimensional etiologies call for numerous therapeutic interventions.

Having Hydrogen and Oxygen on Your Side

Twenty-six hundred of your investment, or more, will go to a hydrogen/oxygen inhaling machine. For private home use, a hydrogen and oxygen gas machine is probably the first piece of medical equipment to allocate ones financial resources towards.

It offers the most fundamental treatment for almost all disease conditions. It is not a cure-all and should be used in the context of a complete protocol, with particular attention paid to increasing CO2 levels through sodium, magnesium, and potassium bicarbonates, and slow breathing.