Masters of Health Magazine August 2021 | Page 75

Are we looking in the right direction, by concentrating on the treatment of cancer only in the destruction of cancer by using toxic treatment and expecting hospital doctors to cure our cancer without any personal involvement or fighting?!  Are we still waiting for the miraculous drugs that so many people still believe in?!  But not as yet, since today nobody is speaking of drugs that cure cancer but only to increase lifespan for a few months or a few years. We know today that the brain is informed when a tumor starts to develop in an inflammatory micro-environment through messenger cytokines via the nervous system.


We have reason to believe that our brain can also modulate tumor development. In this new twenty-first century science, we are now discovering about the power that the brain has over the body.  Did you know that your intestine and brain directly communicate through a network of neurons? In a matter of few seconds, the intestinal neurons communicate with the central nervous system or brain so if anything wrong happening in the intestine it is immediately communicated to the brain. A number of nervous dysfunctions and psychiatric diseases have their origin in the intestinal neurons.


Cancer is a battle against a very complex disease. It starts with abnormal cells that have lost normal function and do not respond anymore to signals to stop reproducing or to die, nor form a tumor that under specific activated mechanisms may invade other vital organs and become dangerous for the body.   Cancer, as we have explained, is still treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation with some progress, but not enough while patients rely on this type of treatment with no other options. But let me tell you that we are all responsible for what we do, what we choose, and the direction we take. Do not believe that by relying on hospital doctors, they feel responsible for the treatment of your cancer and you can just sit and wait. You can go to the most modern cancer center in the world, where you would not get a better result than being treated in your local hospital.   These consequences can be tragic!  So what do we have to learn and to know about cancer?!  We are going to learn that fighting cancer means looking differently at the disease. Also, it needs to be associated with the power of your brain and body, which can stimulate the immune defense, decrease inflammation, and even control the tumor. In other words, we have to treat the whole body as part of  Holistic medicine.


A tumor is not something isolated from the rest of the body because it develops as a  part of your body, part of your tissue, part of your nervous system, part of your brain that receives ongoing communication. Everything that happens in your body is communicating with your brain and your brain is permanently communicating with your body.

Treating only the tumor without treating the whole body may result in failure.  2500 years ago Hippocrates said, “The whole is more than the part, but the part belongs to the whole,”  confirming what I said.

The tumor is part of the whole body as well and the whole body must also be treated. Oriental and Ayurvedic medicine use the power of the mind and spirit over the body as a whole. They also utilize the power of food, the power and energy of the cosmos, the power of mother nature, together with natural remedies to recuperate from the disease. The Tibetan medical system is unique, being in fact, a philosophy since it includes the body, mind, spirit, the cosmos, and teaching of Buddhism. 


To be continued..

Part 2 will be available in our September 2021 Issue

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