This predicted effect is borne out in evidence from people who have a genetic mutation in G139. A paper describing a patient who picked up a bad copy of HO-1 from both parents is titled: “Mutating heme oxygenase-1 into a peroxidase causes a defect in bilirubin synthesis associated with microcytic anemia and severe hyperinflammation.” [18] Severe hyperinflammation is perhaps the best descriptor for acute COVID-19 infections.
The toxic effects of the ferryl iron released by defective HO-1 is a direct path to ferroptosis. Ferroptosis is a newly identified form of regulated cell death resulting from iron-dependent accumulation of oxidized lipids that disrupt membrane function [19]. Interestingly, ferroptosis is linked to the loss of a sense of taste that occurs in some patients with COVID-19 [20]. Highly oxidized iron also interacts with proteins in the coagulation cascade to induce the massive formation of blood clots leading to multiple organ failure. A paper that has just been published proposed that excess release of toxic iron due to “altered iron homeostasis” could be the mechanism by which COVID-19 spirals downward into a coagulation cascade and multiple organ failure [21].
Thus, the consequences of glyphosate perturbing HO-1 by substituting for G139 would be catastrophic, because there is a dangerous positive feedback loop where inflammation induces HO-1, which induces more inflammation. Normally, HO-1 resolves inflammation, but the opposite can be predicted to occur when glyphosate disrupts the protein through glycine substitution at the heme-binding site.
Due to space limitation, this article has been a whirlwind tour through many concepts in biology that may be unfamiliar to some readers. Nonetheless, it is my hope that you can appreciate the science well enough to realize that glyphosate could disrupt the body’s ability to fractionate deuterium and keep the deuterium levels in the mitochondria at a healthy state. I believe it is even possible that an over-zealous inflammatory response is an indicator of deuterium dysbiosis.
It is clear that upregulation of HO-1, which normally would resolve inflammation, also serendipitously supplies deuterium-depleted water to the mitochondria. Thus, the resolution of the inflammatory response coincides with the resolution of the deuterium excess problem in the mitochondria. But these processes get derailed by glyphosate, and this can have life-threatening consequences for someone who is infected with SARS CoV-2.
To protect yourself against COVID-19, it is important to take four simple steps:
1) Eat only certified organic food.
2) Stay away from interstate highways and heavily air-polluted inner cities, if possible.
3) Minimize exposure to EMFs, especially 5G, which might work synergistically with glyphosate.
4) Get out in the sunlight to raise vitamin D levels and stimulate the production of sulfate in the skin.