Masters of Health Magazine August 2019 | Page 88

This is only one of many instances of using my voice and ears to identify the Signature Sounds that all of us create and convey silently to others throughout our lives. I think this was a common occurrence for everyone long ago when sound was a part of our social interactions; before lying became an important part of our society and we began to doubt our own perceptions.

John’s Hopkins University via Wendell Brown have proven that mammals give off a sound via the ear that is beyond the normal hearing range. Subsequently studies by Dorinne Davis, author of, Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy have provided proof that otoacoustic emissions and vocal sounds validate each other and are certainly comparable.

Finding Vocal BioMarkers via Vocal Profiling is creating the medicine of the future to be used with space exploration, mobile and predictive medicine, to control superbugs… as we realize that we are math-based entities and we can be healed, managed or perfected using sound.

*Cerebral Palsy - a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination (spastic paralysis) and/or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth.


This BioAcoustic Profile was created by Sharry Edwards, MEd, from computerized reports provided by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health.

Sharry Edwards, MEd. Is the recognized pioneer of Vocal BioMarker informatics via Vocal Profiling.