Masters of Health Magazine August 2019 | Page 32

anger, which creates the chemical imbalances that cause those closest to you to run away.

Most people, when triggered, dump raw rage on those closest to them, treating those they “love” like emotional toilet bowls. Getting your rocks off on those closest to you is the surest way for your relationships to end up on the rocks. Because relationships are like rubber bands (they can only be stretched so far until they break; and you can’t put a rubber band back together). It is important to learn how to think before we speaking and only say and do what you know will be helpful to not only yourself but also the other person and the relationship. If you get your rocks off in the moment, you will feel better temporarily. But when you do harm to another, you are ultimately hurting yourself. Whatever you say and do boomerangs back on you.

Humanity must learn to practice what is called impulse control. In order for our world and our relationships to survive and become the source of healing and connection, we must all cultivate impulse control and not lash out when we’re triggered.

This is a crucial skill that most of us lack. You will never be able to tap your relationships for healing of self and others if you continue to blast others with your raw rage and push them away.

Next, we will learn how to Identify the Specific Old Scars that are being triggered by: Drawing a Fight Map and Stripping Away the Overt Content of the current issue.

Then, you will partner and learn how to talk about your Old Scars, so as to not attack the other.

You will learn how to also communicate what you need to heal (Your Happy Ending).

And, finally, you will practice how to properly listen (which is love in action) when those close to you communicate when they are triggered so that you can guide them to share what they need to heal their Old Scars.

As you use your relationships to heal your mutual Old Scars, anger and fighting disappear. Then, your thirsty heart can be quenched as you drink from the well of love that brought you together. It is this eternally flowing well of love that extinguishes the flames that burn most relationships, families and countries. It is this same well that keeps the love fires burning eternally, so that you may live the ultimate truth: Love Never Dies.

I invite you to join me at 1440 Multiversity. Experience your own Energetic System Upgrade. Be a pebble in the proverbial love pond.