Masters of Health Magazine August 2019 | Page 19

Also, it’s well known that when people take antibiotics, it destroys the lining of their gut. Imagine ingesting antibiotics every single day. Welcome to the life of a cow!

Everyone’s heard the saying ‘You are what you eat.’ Well, it goes a step further, ‘You are what your meat eats.’ 80% of antibiotics used in the U.S. are given to livestock and #1 on the list is cows!

Cattle is Big Pharma’s #1 customer when it comes to antibiotics. And when you eat the meat of a cow, you are consuming the gut destroying antibiotics that this animal ate.”

What about Soy? Is it good or bad?

“The soybean industry wants us to believe that soy is the healthiest food we can put into our bodies. What they neglect to share is evidence that it can cause life-threatening allergic reactions—such as food anaphylaxis— hormonal imbalances, and immune disorders that can lead to all types of conditions, including cancer. How can something ‘natural’ cause such health issues? Soy was originally used by modern Western populations as an industrial product to manufacture paints and shock absorber fluid. In fact, it was Henry Ford in 1940 who used two bushes (120 pounds) of soybeans in each Ford car. Ford also developed soy-based plastics, which he used to make a vehicle that he colloquially titled, the ‘Soybean Car.’

Soy farming started around 1100 BC in China, where it was used to build soil fertility and feed animals. Soybeans were not considered fit for humans until the Chinese learned to ferment them, which makes them digestible. Asian diets now include fermented soybeans in the form of natto, miso, tamari, and tempeh. Unfermented soybean products such as tofu (bean curd), soy milk, and soy protein powder contain large quantities of natural toxins. Asian cultures utilize time-consuming fermentation processes to remove most of the toxins from soy, making it safer to consume. Doing this in America would take too much time and create lost revenues. Today, the United States high-tech processing methods not only fail to remove the anti-nutrients and toxins that are naturally present in soybeans but leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by the high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths, and petroleum.

Also in Asia, soy is primarily used as a condiment or side dish and not eaten as a meal like it is in the United States. Several chemicals found in soy are considered to be dangerous for human consumption, like phytoestrogens. These are plant estrogens found in abundance in soy that may damage the endocrine system and the thyroid gland, possibly contributing to autoimmune disease.

Parents, would you give your child birth control pills? If you are feeding them a soy-based formula, you are feeding them a substance that contains estrogen compounds, similar to what is used in many oral contraceptives. Soy may be linked to premature development of girls and small testes and underdevelopment in boys. Looking at worldwide trends, Puerto Rico has the highest known incidence of premature breast development. Girls as young as five are developing breasts. Analysis has revealed that most of these children were fed soy-based infant formulas. In adults, soy has been linked to an increased risk of thyroid disease, breast cancer in females, and infertility in males.