Masters of Health Magazine August 2018 | Page 20

Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition



Everything vibrates to a specific frequency; from our voice and the words we speak, the thoughts we think, the music we listen to, the type of clothes we wear, the colors and decor in our home, to the water and food we consume. Even the planets in our Universe vibrate, in perfect harmony, to specific frequencies.

The natural color of food reveals its frequency, energy potential, and nutrient value, e.g., minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients, anthocyanins, and other antioxidants. Different nutrients vibrate at different frequencies. Thus, the quality and variety of natural colors in the foods we consume are vitally important for nourishing our body, e.g., glands, brain, nerves, heart, lungs, skin and other organs, bones, teeth, hair, etc.; balancing our hormones; lifting our spirit,; and maintaining our health.

Visible light consists of six basic color energies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. (Indigo with a 425-450 nm, is a subset of violet). Each color creates a different effect emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Wavelength measures light and frequency determines color. Our eyes perceive each wavelength (light) frequency as a different color. The average wavelength for the visible spectrum is 400-700 nm, although most humans can detect light just outside that range.

For good reasons, many species can see light within frequencies outside the human ‘visible spectrum.’ Bees and other insects can detect ultraviolet light and up to 590 nm of the yellow/orange range, which helps them find nectar in flowers.