Masters of Health Magazine April 2024 | Page 94

In developing these techniques, The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology has created a dilemma. How can we take this potential to the public when we don’t have enough trained practitioners to serve the need?


To survive, the human race NEEDS BioAcoustic Biology. For BioAcoustic inquiry to survive, practitioners, clinicians, and trainers are needed. Public and Professional classes are offered each month, many free with accompanying software.


We want to share this BioAcoustic mastery with the public until enough people of vision will recognize the potential of this work and come forward to be a part of it. It will take vision and sacrifice, and there may be a time when this technology will be challenged by those who desire to maintain the economic power and dominion over our health. However, the technique of using math as a basis of well-being may be the means of restoring our intrinsic right to self-health.

Whoever controls health, controls the quality of Life! 

Health is much more precious than wealth. If we can find a way to control our own health, then we have dominion over our evolution.  Sound Health has provided the initial steps to explore this pioneering path towards BioAcoustic mastery!


References - Miracles of non Medicine video  doctors who work with us

Burzynski Clinic is an international cancer care center with more than 100 employees. The clinic offers several options for personalized treatment, including conventional, approved targeted, combinations as well as experimental therapies.


Butterworth, Brian. What Counts: How Every Brain is Hardwired for Math. Free Press (Simon & Schuster


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Gimjewski, James, 1999:

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