Masters of Health Magazine April 2024 | Page 68

exhaustion, and less-than-optimal thyroid activity.  When burned out, the body activates the Parasympathetic Nervous system. 


The causes involved (e.g., environmental pollution, exposure to harmful chemicals and toxic/heavy metal exposure, junk food diet, dietary deficiencies, drugs and medications, unhealthy lighting or sounds, EMFs, bad/unhappy marriage or relationships, violence, work or employment issues, financial hardships and poverty, loneliness, etc.) need to be addressed instead of masking symptoms with drugs or medications.  To prevent disease, address the cause, repair the damage, and restore harmony.


The five elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth) are integral to Western and Eastern healing traditions.  Too much, too little, or an imbalance of these elements can cause disharmony.  Meditating and improving your diet, supplementation, lifestyle, environment, and relationships are the best ways to balance these elements.


Nature thinks of everything!


Quality music provides a beautiful array of sound frequencies that can instill harmony into your life and, in some cases, prevent and reverse dis-ease.  But be selective about what kind of music you listen to.  Some frequencies, such as heavy metal and EMFs, can be harmful.


Did you know you can rebalance your chakras by singing and chanting various sounds?  Learn about the power of music and “Chakra Chants” from sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman


You can learn how harmonious, inharmonious, or deficient your body is through voice analysis on the Sound Health Portal at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound HealthEven more remarkable, you can reverse these ‘dis-eases‘ or the disharmony in your body by nourishing it with musical frequencies that are deficient or imbalanced.  Study this fascinating science with pioneer Sharry Edwards, MEd.


Learn how vocal sound positively affects every cell in your body and the cells of everyone in your proximity by John Stuart Reid, Acoustic-Physics Scientists, and CymaScope inventor.


Also, explore the pioneering work of Dr. John Beaulieu, PhD, who uses specific tuning fork frequencies to harmonize and rebalance the body. 


Learn the value of music, alleviate stress, and beautifully balance and relax your body and mind with Steve Rees, Ret. RN, Harpist


Essential oils, yoga, Tai Chi, dancing, swimming, and singing are all effective, safe, and natural methods that can help harmonize your body and environment.


To learn about the many uses of essential oils and buy doTerra products, connect with Monique in TX.


For the most beautiful Chakra balancing EO sprays, go to Magnesium via Skin.


Karen Atkins provides quick and easy Chi exercises to regenerate and harmonize your life. 


The Global Energy Parliament is one of the best organizations working to restore harmony in Nature, our environment, and every aspect of life globally.


You can also read about most of these harmony restorative methods in Masters of Health magazine.

In business, at home, or in your personal life, use three criteria questions to help guide you toward a successful outcome:

1.    Is it environmentally friendly?

2.    Is it conducive to good health?

3.    Is it pleasing to the eye?


If the answer to all three is yes, then you can be sure that your decision is in harmony with Nature.  If the answer to these questions is no, re-evaluate what you are doing, producing, designing, or your path, and reconnect with Nature.  Nature, with its wisdom, is the best guide of all.  Nature rules supreme!


One of the best examples of education in harmony with Nature is the Education for Total Consciousness (ETC) program at the Isa Viswa Vidyalayam School in Trivandrum, Kerala, India.  Meditation is an essential part of their education program.


On a political level, the Prime Minister of Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdottir, urges governments to prioritize sustainability and family time over obsessing about economic growth — as most developed nations seem to do.  PM Jakobsdottir has called for “an alternative future based on well-being and inclusive growth.  Women in government usually have different priorities than men.


Below are disharmony (D) issues and restorative harmony (H) solutions:

•    (D) Producing agriculture and factory farms with toxic chemicals to increase profits for chemical corporations over the well-being of people and the environment.

(H) Convert to organic regenerative agriculture and eliminate factory farms.  Support local organic family farms and organic farmer’s markets.


•    (D) Treating mental and physical illnesses with drugs instead of addressing the root causes, nutritional deficiencies, or imbalances. 

•    (H) Revamp school curriculums and medical education and the focus of doctors to address the causes of an illness.  First, treat with nutrition and natural remedies for deficiencies, imbalances, and toxins.  Remove the profit factor in medicine. 


•    (D) Industry or corporate financial influence of politicians and political parties.

•    (H) Implement campaign finance reform to make it illegal for industries or corporations to finance or influence politicians or political parties.


(D) Programming students with an industry-biased education agenda and hindering free thought, creativity, and consciousness.

(H) Educate subjectively instead of objectively and teach total consciousness in schools.  Encourage and promote free thought and creativity.


“Creativity is Intelligence having fun.” ~

A. Einstein