Masters of Health Magazine April 2024 | Page 57

The New MDS (representing mothers, doctors, and scientists)

are spotlighted in this month’s newsletter, along with our featured guest, Dr. William Makis; award-winning Canadian oncologist and radiologist, joined in our February 2024 episode on, “Turbo Cancers: The Vax-Titanic”:

Dr. Seneff provided a brief, but powerful description of the immunology behind the toxic affects from the Covid mRNA vaccines. She highlighted some of the following points:

Episode 16 Overview:

The mRNA vaccines induce an intense inflammatory response which results in high levels of high IgG antibodies which can induce autoimmune disease through molecular mimicry.

The immune system tries to prevent the over-reaction by suppressing the immune response via suppression of type 1 interferon.

With repeated injections, massive production of specific IgG4 occurs, an anti-inflammatory antibody that is ineffective in blocking infection. 1

The subsequent impaired immunity not only causes increased risk to infection, but also allows cancer cells to proliferate and become malignant.


Dr. Makis discussed and debunked several arguments, including a discussion on how we know it’s the Covid mRNA vaccine inducing the cancers, and not from Covid infection. The bulk of the “turbo cancers” occurred after the vaccine campaigns/mandates, and not during the first wave of the most virulent Wuhan strain of the Covid-19 virus.  Additionally, he shared his clinical experiences from the front-lines on what he has seen personally, as well as the knowledge he gained from the hundreds of stories he reviewed. The “died suddenly” statistics are shown below, with present data compared from 2015 to the present, demonstrating an exponential rise that occurred during the vaccine rollout.