Masters of Health Magazine April 2024 | Page 40


Further, Dr. Sperry demonstrated that 90% of brain energy goes into processing and maintaining the body’s relationship with gravity. Gravity is one of those ever present forces that we can’t see, smell, taste, or touch. Yet, it affects us every moment of every day, pulling downward on our bodies, compressing our organs and spinal disks, and without intervention leading to degeneration. 


The Mechanics of the Spine

When we move, we send signals to our brain through our nervous system. These signals help our brain process and coordinate movement, enabling us not only to perform physical actions but also to think clearly and function properly. The spinal column houses and protects the spinal cord, which is the main conduit for these signals.


The spine is made up of stacked vertebrae, which are cushioned by small discs. These discs act as shock absorbers, allowing for smooth movement and flexibility. However, when the discs become misaligned or compressed - through your movement, injury, or even just through the force of gravity - they can create pressure on the spinal cord, affecting the transmission of signals.

This can result in impaired brain function, including decreased mental clarity, problems with memory, and decreased cognitive function.


Restoring Natural Alignment

Chiropractors are specialized healthcare professionals who focus on maintaining proper alignment and mobility of the spine. Through gentle adjustments and manual therapy techniques, chiropractors can help restore the spine's natural alignment and improve nervous system function. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on overall brain function.


Making chiropractic care part of your healthy 100 Year Lifestyle will maintain spine health and prevent issues such as misalignment and nerve interference. By keeping the spine in optimal working condition, chiropractors can help ensure that your brain is receiving the stimulation and nutrition it needs to perform at its best.


So, take a lesson from bodybuilders and chess masters. Keep your brain and spine functioning at peak levels for maximum performance. There’s a 100 Year Lifestyle provider near you to help you on your journey!


You may not realize it, however, your posture, growth, and emotions are all connected. How? By your spine. Your spine is the structural support system of your body. At any age – child, teenager, adult, or senior – how your spine supports you can be seen in your posture.

 Lifeline of Health and Energy

Posture reveals weaknesses that can progressively worsen under the stresses of daily life as you grow and age. Because your structure, spine, and nervous system are the lifeline of health and energy to all the vital organs of your body, it is important to pay attention to your posture before pursuing prescription medications or over the counter remedies for physical and emotional health problems or imbalances. Many of these medications have serious side effects and do not address the cause of the instability affecting you.


Postural distortions may look very slight on the outside or they may be obvious. They can cause rapid degeneration of your metabolism and immune system on the inside or take years to manifest. Both systems are crucial for your overall health and vitality. Falls, car accidents, sports injuries, trauma, and even the birth process can accelerate degeneration of the spine.  This degeneration can lead to disability and a shorter life span.


People that have spinal injuries or vertebral subluxation may not feel it. Uncorrected, it can cause degenerative changes and nerve interference. Someone with a subluxation may not function as well in everyday life and may not enjoy the same quality of life as people with a healthy structure, spine, and nervous system.


Postural and structural weakness can cause someone to experience chronic or disabling pain, a weakened immune system, lower energy, fatigue, digestive difficulties, less satisfaction with personal relationships, and a shorter life. Dr. Freeman published findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association  stating, “Aging in the spinal discs caused postural deviations leading to intestinal diverticula, hemorrhoids, varicosities of the legs, osteoporosis, hip and foot deformities, overall poor quality of health and life, and a shortened life span.”


Regardless of the condition of your spine and nervous system today, there is potential within you for better health and happiness tomorrow and as you mature physically and emotionally and as your body heals.


Postural distortions and a weaker spinal structure can have a major effect on a person’s overall strength and health, which can hinder their earning potential in the workforce. Later, these distortions can cause accelerated aging and may make you feel older than your chronological age because of interference in nerve supply to your organs, muscles, and joints.


A simple Posture Self-Test can determine if you or a loved one, children included, have underlying conditions that can lead to anxiety, chronic pain, disability, and accelerated aging. A chiropractic examination and regular adjustments can help relieve pressure on the nervous system so messages delivered to and from the brain can be delivered.


Make your posture a priority. Have your children checked so all of you can enjoy the good health and happiness that comes with living your ideal 100 Year Lifestyle today, tomorrow, and for a lifetime.


The Brain, Spine, and Gravity

by Dr. Eric Plasker, DC

If you think that bodybuilders don’t need healthy brains and chess master’s don’t need strong spines, you’re wrong. In fact, in 1981, neurologist Dr. Roger Sperry won a Nobel Prize for his brain research which not only changed our understanding of the brain, but clearly showed the relationship between the brain, spine, and gravity. 


According to Dr. Sperry, “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” This means that maintaining proper alignment and mobility of the spinal column is crucial for optimal brain function. In other words, the spine is the motor that drives the brain.