Masters of Health Magazine April 2024 | Page 104

taken the treasure he sent troops to recover the device, but Moses used the device to part the Red Sea for the Jews.[10]

In 1981 John Keely wrote that tones from a violin could start an engine and discord could stop it.  Recently sonic levitation was used in a space shuttle to hold a glass in suspension. Due to the lack of gravity, less intense sound was required.[11]


[1] Hayes, Michael. The Hermetic Code in DNA: The Sacred Principles in the Ordering of the Universe, Inner Traditions: Vermont, 2004, Pg. 77.

[2] Bierhorst, John. The Mythology of Mexico and Central America, Morrow: NY. 1990, Pg. 8

[3] Decker, Jerry, in introduction for Davidson, Dan. Shape Power: A Treatise on How Form Converts Universal Aether into Electromagnetic and Gravitic Forces and Related Discoveries in Gravitational Physics, Rivas Publishing: Arizona, 1997. Pg. xiv.

[4] Hayes, Michael. The Hermetic Code in DNA: The Sacred Principles in the Ordering of the Universe, Inner Traditions: Vermont, 2004, Pg. 77.

[5] Hayes, Michael. The Hermetic Code in DNA: The Sacred Principles in the Ordering of the Universe, Inner traditions: Vermont, 2004, Pg. 118.

[6] Swedish engineer Olaf Alexanderson wrote about this phenomenon in the publication No. 13. Excerpt from "Anti-gravity and the World Grid" edited by D. H. Childress, Ch.8, Acoustic Levitation of Stones by Bruce Cathie, Pgs. 213-217.

[9] Andrews, Shirley. Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization, Llewellyn Worldwide: MN., 1997, Pgs. 160-161.

 [10] Briar, Robert, Ph.D. Professor of Egyptology, Long Island University. The History of Egypt, The Teaching Company: Virginia, 1999. Audio CD: Lecture 32.

[11] Andrews, Shirley. Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization, Llewellyn Worldwide: MN., 1997, Pg. 162.