Masters of Health Magazine April 2020 | Page 116

Taurus: known to be down-to-earth, stubborn and love rescuing others in their time of peril.

The frequencies coming to the planet during the next week range widely from top-down muscles to interacting nutrients.

Eye muscles, particularly the rectus medialis of the eye, will be in stress during the entire next week and a few days beyond. Expect eye focus issues.

The depressor septi is a muscle of the nose involved with the nose tip and with the shortening of the upper lip for animation. It comes into play by the end of the week. This may be the muscle that allowed Samatha (Bewitched) to” twiggle” the tip of her nose to create a change in her reality; to create magic.

The vertical muscle of the tongue is found at the forepart of the tongue. It is used to flatten and widen the tongue. In BioAcoustic research it is often present when residual measles virus is causing peripheral neuropathy.

The vertebra, C-6, will come into activity at the end of the week. Its’ energy affects the neck muscles, shoulders and tonsils (which I interpret as the tone cells). Stress of C-6 could cause stiff neck, pain in the upper arms, tonsillitis, chronic cough/croup.

Moving down the body, the thumb and fingers are next to be activated; the thumb first and the fingers by the end of the week.

The iliacus is a large inner hip muscle that functions to help flex and move the femur (thigh bone) forward. It is closely related to sartorius muscle - the longest muscle in the human body. It is a long, thin muscle of the thigh. It helps flex, adduct (bring toward) and rotate the hip.

Those playing soccer might need to take more care before a performance as this is an incredibly important soccer muscle.

Medical in Stress: Adderall is used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD. Watch for side effects of under or overdose. More can be found at

Artificial estrogen, found in plastics and synthetic hormones, come into stress at the end of the week. reports that estrogen can be found in many widely-used plastics, causing damage to a developing fetus, fertility problems plus vaginal and breast cancers.

Bio-Chemical & Nutrients Activated:

Calcitonin: a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that lowers levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood and promotes the formation of bone.

Catalase: an enzyme found in the blood that helps clear the blood of debris

Homocysteine: an amino acid naturally occurring in blood plasma. High levels are believed to increase the chances of a heart attack. It also works closely with B12. Several B12 cofactors are active over the next 10 days.

Potassium and calcium cell salts: mineral components controlled by aldosterone and other hormones.

Beta carotene: a form of vitamin A - found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and other leafy vegetables; found in fruits such as cantaloupe and apricots.

Vitamin A helps support mucus membranes, the control of asthma, our immune system, good eye health and vision. Vitamin A is a great support for skin, hair and nails. Lycopene is a form of Vitamin A found in tomatoes.

April 19-25

Color = moving out of red into red orange; represented by the note of C# – and the beginning of the astrological sign of Taurus