Masters of Health Magazine April 2018 | Page 6

Meet the Zs

Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski (affectionately known as Dr. Z & Mama Z) have pioneered natural living and biblical health education since 2003. Knowing what it's like to be sick from a young age and having recovered from several chronic diseases in their early 20s, they have been on a mission to share the evidence-based approach to natural living that empowered them to regain control of their health with the world.

Trained as an aromatherapist, public health researcher and chiropractor, Dr. Z started his online ministry in 2014 alongside of Mama Z with to help people learn how to use natural remedies like essential oils safely and effectively. Now visited by more than six million natural health seekers every year, it has rapidly become the #1 source for Biblical Health and non-branded essential oils education online.

An accomplished researcher with several publications and conference proceedings, Dr. Z currently sits as a peer-reviewer for multiple journals. The Zs live in Atlanta with their four children.


Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski